Hoshisawa's birthday party in June丨Midsummer begins as promised

XZW's Birthday Party in June


With the breeze blowing gently in June, Xing Zewei ushered in a warm and lively birthday party. On this beautiful day, everyone gathered together to send the most sincere wishes and joy to the birthday stars born in June.


In order to ensure the smooth running of the event, our event planning starts busy as early as a week ago. Every detail is carefully planned and prepared, from venue layout, game sessions to gift preparation. When the birthday stars stepped into the event, their eyes were full of warmth and surprise.


At the beginning of the activity, the host first introduced the activity process of the birthday party to everyone, and expressed sincere wishes to all the birthday stars. The whole venue was filled with warm and joyful atmosphere, and everyone's faces were filled with expectant smiles. Then, I introduced the birthday of this month one by one.


Now it's time for the game. The first small game for - "look at the picture guess the name of the play". By showing a series of classic stick figures of movies and TV plays, you need to quickly guess the corresponding title of the play.

First of all, the stick figure of "Tianlong Eight" was displayed, and everyone immediately began to discuss it excitedly, some said that the seven fairies, some said that the ancient sword was strange, and some said that the dragon was killed in the sky, and various answers came. But after some discussion and speculation, someone finally got the right answer.

In the following five stick figures, different partners guessed the correct answer, and everyone actively participated in the game, not only showing their own wisdom, but also enhancing the friendship and interaction between each other.



The other is a team small game "with overhead balloons", two groups against each other, each group of 3 people, the two sides along the dividing line with overhead balloons, which side of the balloon landing first to lose.

The setting of the game is also designed to let everyone in a relaxed and happy atmosphere, can experience the fun of the activity, make the scene atmosphere more warm and interesting.


With the end of the game, it's time for us to sing Happy birthday, make wishes and cut the cake. The music played and everyone sang a Happy birthday song. The song was melodious, full of blessing and respect for the birthday girl. The birthday girls are smiling and feeling the special care and warmth.

After singing the birthday song, the birthday stars close their eyes and make their birthday wishes. After making their wishes, the birthday girls gently blew out the candles. The host invited the birthday star of the day to cut the first piece of cake as a representative, and after cutting the cake, we entered the long-awaited afternoon tea time.


The table is full of all kinds of food and drink, there are fine snacks, fresh fruit and all kinds of drinks. In this warm and cozy afternoon, everyone gathered in a circle, tasting food while talking about the interesting things in life and work.

At the end of the event, we sent carefully prepared birthday cards and special birthday red envelopes to each birthday star. Greeting cards are written on the birthday of the blessing and care, from the company's love and warmth is also endless.


XZW's birthday party in June came to a successful end. I believe that in the coming days, we will continue to work together and contribute to the development of the company.